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Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa Flow yoga is a great way to practice asanas (yoga postures) whilst connecting to the breath. Alot of focus is brought back to breathing during the class whilst moving flowingly through the asanas. This allows the mind to have a focus point during the chitta-vritti (wandering mind). With each gentle breath the body moves gracefully into another position. Vinyasa Flow classes range from beginners to intermediate to advanced. Modifications to suit every body are given by the use of props or simply different ways to carry out that asana. Not every 'body' moves in the same way and this is honoured and respected.

Vinyasa-Flow classes not only allows breath focus but it also allows the freedom to create exciting and challenging sequences. This could be a balance focused class, strength training, testing your flexibility limits, and even working your way towards some beautiful advanced postures such as headstands, wheel, mermaid, etc...

With the flexibility of each class to work towards all desires and goals, it can be the perfect class to suit every 'bodies' needs and wishes from their own individual yoga journey.

Beginner Vinyasa Flow

Beginner Vinyasa Flow classes are nice gentle sequences with a variety of modifications along side beginner asanas (postures). These classes are for everybody.

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one legged wheel pose india


During these classes a range of intermediate/advance asanas are offered. This level of vinyasa-flow classes are aimed for students with a regular physical yoga practice.

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